So, dear English- speaking folks, here’s the English version of the ‘Snake’- video! The beautiful messages in the subtitles were given and channeled from the Snakes, each one of them! To me the energies come through equally to the one in German language…, enjoy!
The inspiration to this painting came during my drive to Bled/Slovenia in autumn 2018 to an event called ‘Magic of the Masters’ by the CrimsonCircle. My concept had been, that it’s about us rising out of mass-consciousness into a much broader awareness of who we truely are as a human being. Surprisingly in one moment I sensed Baba Haidhakan, one of the Ascended Masters, that I had been connected to very intensely in the past, come in. He corrected: ‘You are going to Bled? No! You are going to a Celebration and what you are doing there makes even the Gods dance!’ And with that the name to my new painting was born. In 2019 over the course of 7 month I created it and its abstract version titled: ‘How to dissolve JOY out of the Body after Death’.
I experienced a big loss of control while building it as I had to surrender completely to be able to allow everything that wanted to be represented. So these paintings are filled with swirling lively energies, singing and dancing… High qualityprints in different siezes of the ‘Shiva’ – painting as well as the Book, aPainting-contemplation from Kuan Yin channeled by me – are available.
‘Shivas Dance’ original
‘Shivas Dance’ abstract version
preliminary stage and…
of the
And here the Video on YouTube, that I created together with Kuthumi:
'Shivas DANCE' and 'How to dissolve JOY out of the Body after Death'