This Mosaic- Column, standing beneath the entrance to my house, I completed last week together with Kuthumis presence and his inspiration!
When doing my art, it’s always very experiencial, an act of consciousness, bringing about, what I became aware of internally.
The column stands straight like a lighthouse and doesn’t it even look like a huge scepter…?
The mosaic thereon symbolizes the union of the opposites, the dance of two, producing a third, that turns to again be a ONE: NEW LIFE!
It shows the melting together in a DANCE, Human and Soul, the Earthly and the Divine, Male and Female…
It consists of a leftturning and a rightturning tendril (in reference to the left and right turning energies of the northern and southern hemisphere), crossing each other in their way up.
Then there are the vertical stems with the blooming flowers and the horizontal stalks of the buds, symbol of inherent potentials. These two ascending dancing lines in violett and yellow glasstones are in complementary colours.
The young man, helping me in the beginning with flexing the concrete column, responded, when I told him about the right- and leftturning energies, that I intended to build on the column: ‚Oh, and where they meet, there will be a great explosion …!‘
In the course of doing this I realized, it took a hell of a lot of bodywork, quite exceeding the usual, normal limits. So each further day, instead of taking some rest on the sofa, I would gather my bodys energies in loving cooperation, my motivation flying high. I just love to do such work, to me it’s much more fun than sports!