News & latest updates
ATELIER by Cora A. Schwindt
Here you will find in the gallery selection of my works,
of YouTube videos of some paintings, as well as recordings of picture reviews ‘ART and WISDOM’, which I sometimes offer via ZOOM.
You can also find out about past and current events
and planned event dates in connection with the ART.
What I am always enthusiastic about is the craftsmanship that I use in the design of my house and garden, mainly in the form of mosaics.
There is something filigree about all the works, even the garden with many small details full of vitality and meaning that are worth discovering.
For me, the whole of LIFE is collecting and embarking on a variety of experiences, which in the end always form a WHOLE, contain an answer, reveal the SENSE with its very own scent, its very own sound.
Recent posts
- (Deutsch) ‘RETURN oder Schöpferkraft’
- VERNISSAGE ‘ShivasDance’-painting (Feb. 15, 2020)
- ‘The Dragon comes in’ or ‘The Gift of Unforegiven Foregiveness’
- KUAN-YIN-Painting
Click here for …
… my new website
Space for creativity and art of living in the New Energy